Sunday, 11 September 2011


Anyone remember Jumanji? It was my favourite movie as a kid, and is still one of my favourite Robin Williams movies. The crocodile scene scared the bajeezus out of me though, and for a while I had to ask my mum to look under my bed for large man eating reptiles.
Scary crocodile scene.

So today I stumbled upon this interesting set of chairs by artist Maximo Riera. They are so fantastical and wonderful, and brought me back to those nostalgic days when I wished I had a board game that brought zoos to life, and would almost kill me every time it was my turn to roll.

Aren't they cool! The detail on them is incredible. Right now he is working on making a lion chair, a beetle chair, and a whale chair. I am really excited for when they are finished! I wish he would make a giraffe chair....


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